Lent is a Season of Growth

The word Lent is derived from the ancient Germanic language meaning "springtime." Growth in the world outside occurs rapidly in the spring. Lent may also be a time to challenge ourselves to grow spiritually in our relationship with God, with one another, and through our practices. Growth, transformation, and change do not randomly happen. Lent is not just a set aside time to give things up. Effort must be put forth to spur the process on. It is a time for action with meaning. There are several opportunities to grow during the season with Bible studies, opportunities to be in fellowship, and a Bible reading plan. I hope you will put words into action during this time to grow! 


Six Week Study for Women with Beth Rice

Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:45 beginning on February 16th

The Gospel of John is the most deeply spiritual of the four gospels. It includes some of the loftiest and most loved verses in all the Bible: "And the Word became flesh...," "For God so loved the world...," "You who are without sin cast the first stone...," "I am the resurrection and the life...," "I am the way, and the truth, and the life." The writing is filled with rich images and profound truths, but John notes that his aim in writing the gospel is that his readers will not only believe in Jesus Christ, but that they "may have life in his name." This Lent, join the women of Cornerstone and experience a season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal while exploring the major themes of John while reading the entire Gospel of John. There will be a15 minute DVD presentation by Adam Hamilton then a discussion led by Beth Rice. Topics Include: The Word Made Flesh, The Miraculous Signs of Jesus, The "I Am" Sayings of Jesus, The Farewell Discourse, The Arrest, Trial, and Crucifixion of the King, and Eternal Life. Pick up a book and sign up at the Welcome Center Counter.


Lenten "Lunch and a Lesson" Series with Dr. Wayne Young 

Wednesdays 12 pm beginning February 10

During Lent we will present a series of sessions following the same format as our Advent series. The Lent series will utilize a study written by Pastor Rob Fuquay, pastor of St. Luke's U. M. Church in Indianapolis, entitled The God We Can Know: Exploring the "I Am" Sayings of Jesus. The meetings will begin with lunch at noon, followed by a lesson which will be opened by a brief video filmed in the Holy Land. Pastor Wayne will follow with further thoughts on the message in the scriptures for the day. The lessons will explore the meaning of Jesus' "I am" statements as found in the book of John in which Jesus says, "I am" the Bread of Life; the Light of the World; the Good Shepherd; the True Vine; the Way, the Truth, and the Life; the Resurrection and the Life. This series will offer you the opportunity to gain knowledge about how Jesus saw himself as God's revelation of himself on earth and a chance to grow your appreciation of what His life means to you. This series will broaden your understanding of who Jesus is and through the weeks of Lent allow you to bring a focus to the celebration of the events of Holy Week.