The Cornerstone Prayer Ministry encourages the development of a personal prayer life and provides opportunities to be involved in the ministries of prayer.  

The praying ministry has the privilege of praying for needs of individuals from everywhere as well as those in our Cornerstone family.   


Prayer Shawl Ministry 

Pray as you knit or crochet shawls and/or help deliver prayer shawls to people in and around our community who are in need of comfort. Meets the second Tuesday of each month for knitting, sharing ideas, and fellowship at 10:00am.  


Weekly Prayer Gathering

We meet on Mondays at 11:00a.m. to lift up our church, individual needs, our city, and our world.  


Prayer Walking

Prayer walking is praying at the actual place we desire our prayers to be answered. Instead of sitting in our house praying, it puts us in the community. Prayer walking makes us more aware of the needs in our neighborhood on a personal level. We regularly prayer walk for our schools, our neighborhoods, and Cornerstone.