We will be serving people who live in tent cities, building four 12’x12’ tin houses. It will be relational as we get to know the families, and life changing for anyone who goes. Cost is approximately $1300.
1) Reminder a non-refundable deposit of $100 plus trip application is due May1st (available in the church office)
2) The first team meeting will be held Wednesday, May 31 at 6:30 pm.
3) Please be sure to apply for a passport if you don't already have one as soon as possible.
4) Spots are limited. If you are interested in going to Haiti, your application and deposit is what secures a spot. Maximum number that can go on this trip is 20. Go to www.sifministries.org for information about our Haiti partners.
5) The Costa Rica trip has been re-scheduled for 2018 if there is enough interest.
Contact Beth Rice for more information 740-250-1236.